18. 2012 Dr.Burton, Mengele in America: Myodil

Dr. Burton November 2011, "In all cases Myodil caused toxic Chemical Meningitis leading to Adhesive Arachnoiditis," blog page 17.

September 2012, Good friend Dr. Charles V. Burton M.B. F.A.C.S sent Ursula Coxhead an article, "Mengele in America: Human Experimentation and the Walter Reed Connection." which he wrote for the Journal: Ethics in Biology; Engineering and Medicine.
In this article Dr. Burton condemns spinal cord injections such as Myodil/Pantopaque Myelogram's which caused toxic chemical meningitis and blindly performed, ill advised epidural's as being the cause of the next epidemic of back pain suffering and disability.


This is a new journal and this article was actually published this year.
I thought that you, and your associates, might find it interesting.
Best personal regards,

C. Burton