6. 3-Pantopaque, 1-Myodil, Medical Murder Cases

Dr. Burton November 2011, "In all cases Myodil caused toxic Chemical Meningitis leading to Adhesive Arachnoiditis," blog page 17.

A case study written by Dr. Theodore C. Erickson and Dr. Hans J. van Baaren published in the Journal of the American Medical Association describing a case study of a man who underwent a Pantopaque Myelogram, the Pantopaque entered his cranium and triggered a severe reaction, causing his death within 15 months of undergoing the procedure.

A case study written by Dr. Michael S. Mason and Dr. John Raaf and published in an American medical journal, the Journal of Neurosurgery. The case study concludes that the patient died as a result of the procedure.

A case study written by Dr. James H Greig and Dr. Norman Wignall, and published in a Canadian medical journal "The Journal of the Canadian Association of Radiologists" about a man who underwent a Pantopaque Myelogram, after his death a postmortem was carried out and his spinal cord examined, severe Adhesive Arachnoiditis was discovered.

Short article about a young man who's death was brought about by epileptic fits caused by a severe reaction to Myodil.